Welcome to Eduinfo

Eduinfo is a Healthcare communication company operating  as an independent and equal partner in the chain of healthcare  since 2006.
Our mission is to enlarge and support the communication between Healthcare Consumers and wide range of Healthcare participants:

  • Healthcare Professionals,
  • Government Healthcare authorities,
  • Non-governmental organizations,
  • Pharma companies
  • WHO
  • Professional medical associations and chambers
  • Food and beverage producers
  • Manufacturers of dietary supplements
  • Charitative organizations
  • Manufacturers of medical devices ….

providing educational programs and information services.

Eduinfo Motto: „Educate to feel better and live longer.“

Over the last 16 years, Eduinfo brings innovative programs providing solutions to directly reach all Healthcare participants. Eduinfo offers integrated communication methods to stimulate and enlarge the dialogue on disease prevention  and awareness, health questions, lifestyle changes, social and welfare issues, plus personal wellness.

At Eduinfo we are continuously working on new Healthcare communication activities both offline (based on wait marketing) and online, to reach our goal – Everybody to feel better and live longer.