Communication to healthcare consumers 

How to ensure effective communication with patients and advertising in waiting rooms?

How to inform patients and consumers of health and healthy lifestyle effectively?

Do you need to:

  •  raise general awareness of health problems?
  •  to reach your target audience for 100% t?
  •  achieve early diagnosis?
  • save 30% – 70%   of your marketing  budget?
  •  achieve better communication between patients and their doctors?
  •  encourage good compliance with prescribed treatment by patients?
  •  inform about news in the field of health and healthy lifestyle?
  • to launch a new product?
  • support your TV campaign?
  • achieve early diagnosis?
  • promote existing product ?
  • achieve better communication between patients and their doctors?

In this highly specialized and sensitive area of communication we are able to focus and to help  you.

Eduinfo provides solutions to communicate a wide range of Healthcare topics – disease awareness, prevention, lifestyle adaptation, social and welfare issues, personal wellness and other health concerns – with Healthcare Consumers effectively and efficiently by using a modern concept of Wait Marketing.

Doctor´s  waiting rooms are ideal for communicating different topics and products to the general public and patients. People here spend long minutes without any disturbances, undisturbed by any other ideas, and in this environment – waiting for your doctor that you trust and currently have a medical problem – it automatically raises the question of health and lifestyle. That is why in waiting rooms clients consider the obtained information to be more credible. Moreover, they have an immediate opportunity to consult the information with their doctor or pharmacist which often leads to a purchase, or prescription of the product.

Clients in the waiting room are three times more sensitive to any topic than when watching TV. Wait marketing extends a Kotler´s 5M marketing by the sixth M – Moment – place of targeted intervention, where clients are waiting. Wait marketing togeather with 100 % precise targeting to your audience  is the reason why our clients can save 30 – 70 % of their marketing budget.